Any certificate issued by ISC Control may be withdrawn in the event of any of following defaults by a certificate holder:
- If a surveillance audit is not arranged within 3 months of the due date in response to notice issued by ISC Control.
- Major lack of effective implementation of corrective of actions within agreed time limits in respect of non-conformities identified during surveillance audits.
- Failure to pay appropriate fees.
- Continued misuse of Accreditation mark/logo e.g., misleading publications, advertisement or contravention of the stipulated conditions for the use of marks/logo. Upon suspension or cancellation of certificate of registration, the name of the organization shall be deleted from the ISC Control’s approved list of certified companies.Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.
- In case the Organization is not able to resolve the issue of Suspension within 90 days from the date of Suspension.
- The evidence submitted by the organization for the reason of suspension as defined above are not found satisfactory.