The Value of an Accredited Certification
The findings of the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) survey confirm that businesses are generating significant benefits and added value from accredited certification. Not only is it being used as a tool to deliver internal business improvement and to meet regulatory compliance, but businesses confirm that it has a positive effect on revenue. Given that most businesses that responded to the survey (57%) employed less than 249 people, accredited certification clearly benefits small to medium sized organizations, as well as large multinationals.
Businesses taking part also reported high levels of satisfaction with the certification process in terms of the timeframe to achieve certification and the competence of the assessment teams. Given these positive findings, businesses perceive accredited certification as providing value for money.
Nearly all the businesses that took part in the survey (91%) selected an accredited certification body, providing an assurance that these organizations have the required competence and impartiality to do so as evidenced by fulfillment of international standards and requirements.
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